Provides information about the origins and meaning of Earth Day, and discusses the traditions and activities associated with the holiday.
Day.” still other people, discouraged by the confusion, said, let's make every day “Earth Day.” But they saw the problem with this idea when i countered with, that's fine—forget the day you were born, we'll make every day your birthday.
Updated for 2020, sing along with Dr. Jean and Dr. Holly to learn about how we can all work together to take care of the Earth.
Sing Along With Dr. Jean And Dr. Holly To Learn About How We Can All Work Together To Take Care Of The Earth.
Earth Day celebrates our beautiful planet and calls us to act on its behalf.
Alphabetical celebration of life on Earth, from apricots to junebugs to zebras.
Simple text and photographs provide an introduction to Earth Day.
Earth Day celebrates our beautiful planet and calls us to act on its behalf.
Earth Day
Explains, in simple text and illustrations, how and why Earth Day became an international holiday calling global attention to the problems of pollution, environmental destruction, and waste of natural resources.
Introduces the holiday Earth Day, its history, and how it is celebrated.
Earth Day is a call to be Ògreen.Ó This means thinking like a conservationist about everything from what grocery bag to use to what type of transportation to take.
America at the Environmental Crossroads Jean Griffith. Nelson, Gaylord, Susan Campbell and Paul Wozniak. Beyond Earth Day: Fulfilling the Promise. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2002. Robertson, Thomas. The Malthusian Moment ...
Did you know that Earth Day has been celebrated for almost 50 years? Today, 192 countries celebrate Earth Day. Explore these and other interesting facts in Earth Day, a Coming Together to Celebrate book.
"Full-color photographs and simple text provide a brief introduction to Earth Day"--Provided by publisher.
Describes the ways in which pollution effects all of us, explains that Earth Day reminds us of our need to take care of the planet, and shows simple ways to help protect the earth.