All of the line art from the text and transparency set are reproduced in this full color notebook, with space for notes.
Earth Science
Earth Science: Grades 9-12
This lab manual provides Skill Sheets and includes traditional lab exercises as well as inquiry-based lab activities.
Earth Science: California
Learn about the earth and its movement in space, planets and stars, elements, minerals, rocks, oceans, weather, erosion, plate tectonics, and more.
Explains the steps that we have taken to better understand how the earth functions and examines the development of Earth science.
The Earth Science Passbook(R) in the Test Your Knowledge Series features general test questions in this field of study.
Earth Science: Study Guide
"Lead author Michael Padilla weaves together content with hands-on science inquiry." --
Earth Science
Earth Science: Geology, the Environment, and the Universe is designed for complete concept development and supported with riveting narrative to clarify understanding.
Presents cross-referenced essays on basic topics related to planetology and Earth from space; each essay includes an annotated bibliography.
Earth Science
Earth science is the study of the Earth, its origin, its structure, the changes it has undergone, and the past and future consequences of those changes.
This new text is presented in a style aimed at drawing students into close engagement with the subject matter, providing a solid education and fostering a sense of wonder and responsibility for God's amazing world.
***** CLICK THE AUTHOR NAME "KIDCOMPZ PUBLICATIONS" FOR MORE SKETCHBOOKS, JOURNALS & DIARIES ***** 4 x 4 Lightweight Glossy Paperback Graph Paper (4 squares per inch) Notebook with over 100 pages (approx. 52 sheets) Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" ...
Experience Earth Science with fresh eyes!
All of this is a quest to understand God's created world. Case studies and other activities encourage students to think like scientists as they develop a biblical perspective of earth and space. - Publisher.
Information on the nature of rocks, rock-forming minerals, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks.