
  • Ecotourism
    By Stephen Wearing, John Neil

    Robinson, G. (1988) Crosscultural Understanding. Prentice-Hall, Hempel Hempstead, UK. Robinson, J. (2006). Paddy Pallin, personal communication, 1 June. Robinson, M., & Boniface, P. (Eds). (1999) Tourism and Cultural References ...

  • Ecotourism: Impacts, Potentials and Possibilities?
    By Stephen Wearing, John Neil

    It is believed that tourists tend to confine themselves to small segments of wilderness in accordance with the ease of access and viewing attractions (Todd, 1989). Although this may not be desired by the ecotourist, they are often ...

  • Ecotourism
    By David A. Fennell

    For example, Clarke (1997) writes that there are four different rather discrete stages in the relationship between tourism and sustainability. The first stage includes a perspective where mass tourism and sustainable tourism were ...

  • Ecotourism
    By Stephen Wearing, John Neil

    The Skyrail is a major engineering work, a 7.5km cableway necessitating some 70 towers through a World Heritage rainforest and the Barron Gorge National Park. The publication states, 'Skyrail is ecotourism at its model best.

  • Ecotourism
    By David A. Fennell

    Duffy synthesises these ideas on global governance into the following definition as it pertains to her work on ecotourism and Madagascar. It is: a set of neo-liberal ideas that have been translated into similarly neoliberal programmes ...

  • Ecotourism: An Introduction
    By David A. Fennell

    As suggested by Halpern (1998), three to four generations separate those that came from Mexico from those that return. Halpern says that a Monarch born in August in New York flies all the way to Mexico to overwinter, and begins the ...

  • Ecotourism: An Introduction
    By David A. Fennell

    Peterson, G. (1996) 'Four corners of human ecology: different paradigms of human relationships with the earth', in B.L.Driver, D.Dustin, T.Baltic, G.Elsner, and G.Peterson (eds) Nature and the Human Spirit: Toward an Expanded Land ...

  • Ecotourism: Impacts, Potentials, and Possibilities
    By Stephen Wearing, John Neil

    Proposals have been received for developments on Fraser Island and inside Carnarvon National Park with Wallaman Falls, the highest falls in Australia, being suggested as an ideal site. Nature tourism It is ironic that while humanity has ...

  • Ecotourism
    By David A. Fennell

    Howes, L., Scarpaci, C. and Parsons, E.C.M. (2012) ' Ineffectiveness of a marine sanctuary zones to protect burrunan dolphins (Tursiops australis sp.nov.) from commercial tourism in Port Phillip Bay, Australia', Journal of Ecotourism ...

  • Ecotourism: Principles and Practices
    By Ralf Buckley

    "Focusing on fundamental ecotourism concepts, this broad-based textbook provides a basis for studies into environmental-based tourism.

  • Ecotourism
    By R., Buckley

    ... Whittington (2006) Mountain caribou British Columbia, Canada Apps and McLellan (2006) Rainforest marsupials Australia Turton (2005) Greater glider SE Australia Cunningham etal. ... (2005) Review, various species Various Henle etal.

  • Ecotourism
    By Stephen Wearing, John Neil

    In Nature-Based Tourism, Environment and Land Management (R. Buckley, C. Pickering, & D.B. Weaver, eds)International Centre for Ecotourism Research, Griffith University, Southport, Australia, pp. 89–99. Buckley, R., & Littlefair ...

  • Ecotourism
    By David Weaver

    Ecotourism is a new Australian textbook that discusses the significance of ecotourism in the domestic and international tourism sector. Ecotourism markets, venues and impacts form the basis of the first...

  • Ecotourism
    By David Weaver

    Ecotourism, second edition has been thoroughly revised to reflect contemporary developments in ecotourism. Building on the strengths of the first edition, the text discusses the significance of ecotourism in the...

  • Ecotourism
    By David A. Fennell

    The book focuses on economic, social and ecological inconsistencies that plague ecotourism in theory and practice, and examines it in reference to related forms of tourism, impacts, conservation, sustainability, education and interpretation ...

  • Ecotourism
    By Ross Kingston Dowling, Stephen Page

    Accessible core text dealing with the relationship of tourism and nature, providing a contemporary analysis of the impacts of tourism upon the environment.

  • Ecotourism: A Practical Guide for Rural Communities
    By Sue Beeton

    What is ecotourism? - Working in and with the local environment - Starting and managing a tourist business.

  • Ecotourism: A Guide for Planners and Managers
    By Megan Epler Wood, Kreg Lindberg, Donald E. Hawkins

    Ecotourism: A Guide for Planners and Managers

  • Ecotourism: Transitioning to the 22nd Century
    By Stephen Wearing, Stephen Schweinsberg

    This third edition has been fully revised and updated to include: updated chapters addressing modern thought and discourse, including neoliberalism, consumer culture and quality management in the ecotourism industry; critical analysis drawn ...

  • Ecotourism: A Practical Guide for Rural Communities
    By S Beeton

    United States Department of the Interior (1993), Guiding Principles of Sustainable Design. USA Discusses means for achieving sustainability in parks and conservation areas in relation to ecotourism. Many of the principles can be applied ...