In M. Marschark, P, Siple, D. Lillo-Martin, R. Campbell, & V. S. Everhart, Relations of language and thought: The view from sign language and deaf children (pp. 3–23). New York: Oxford University Press. Marschark, M. & Everhart, V. S. ...
Spencer, P. E. (1993a). Communication behaviors of infants with hearing loss and their hearing mothers, Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 36, 311–321. Spencer, P. E. (1993b). The expressive communication of hearing mothers and ...
In Educating Deaf Students: From Research to Practice, Marc Marschark, Harry G. Lang, and John A. Albertini set aside the politics, rhetoric, and confusion that often accompany discussions of deaf education.
Educating Deaf Students: From Research to Practice considers what is known, what isn't known, and what should be known about the education of deaf students.
In Educating Deaf Students: From Research to Practice, Marc Marschark, Harry G. Lang, and John A. Albertini set aside the politics, rhetoric, and confusion that often accompany discussions of deaf education.
The 19th International Congress on Education of the Deaf (ICED) in 2000, held in Sydney, Australia, brought together 1,067 teachers, administrators and researchers from 46 countries to address an...