Covering the origins, theories and explications of educational measurement, this second volume centres on the theories and applications of this field of study.
This volume deals with basic concepts of theories of measurement and testing, validity and reliability.
This book introduces and explores major topics in contemporary educational measurement: criterion-referenced testing, item response theory (IRT), computer-based testing, cross-lingual and cross-cultural assessment, and accountability ...
... Teaching language arts, math and science to students with significant cognitive disabilities (pp. 1–13). Baltimore: Brookes. Thompson, S.J., Johnstone, C. J., Thurlow, M. L., & Altman, J. R. (2005). 2005 ... students with disabilities 431.
Educational Measurement has been the bible in its field since the first edition was published by ACE in 1951. The importance of this fourth edition of Educational Measurement is to...
Initial discussion and planning for the preparation of the third edition of Educational Measurement began independently at the two sponsoring organizations in late 1982. The discussion at the American Council...