The final chapter deals with the increasing widespread interest in Einstein's work. This book is a valuable resource for scientists, physicists, teachers, and students.
As the book explains clearly, Einstein's dramatic papers of 1905 overthrew the Newtonian worldview and revolutionized our understanding of space, time, energy, matter, and light.
From popular images and advertisements to various works of theater and fiction, he has come to signify so many things. In Einstein: A Biography, Jürgen Neffe presents a clear and probing portrait of the man behind the myth.
Combining the exciting style of manga graphics with biography, history, and science, these dynamic accounts of great leaders are accessible and entertaining to today's children, as well as educational—each story...
Well , I was of Einstein's generation , though a little younger . Maybe just young enough ? WALD He brings in ideas about entropy , statistical probability , and took my " energy quanta " literally to correct Maxwell's wave theory of ...
Einstein continues to captivate, not only for his revolutionary scientific insights but also for his complex personality and personal pursuits. In this unique contribution to the Einstein literature, physicist and...
Since gravitational mass seems to be the same as inertial mass, is it possible to distinguish between gravity and accelerated or decelerated motion? In Chapter 3, we saw that it is not possible to distinguish betweenbeingin a state of ...
This book, for a broad readership, examines the young Einstein from a variety of perspectives - personal, scientific, historical, and philosophical.
With an updated preface for this new edition on the fiftieth anniversary of his death and the hundredth anniversary of the theory of relativity, EINSTEIN explains how the scientific icon changed our view of the world and why no one can ever ...
In this year, aged 26, he published four revolutionary papers, including the Special theory of Relativity, and capped the year in November 1905 with the most famous equation in science, E=mc2.Einstein's papers of 1905 overthrew the ...
Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man, first published in 1944, recounts the personal life of physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955). The book was written by Einstein’s son-in-law, who married his daughter Margot in Berlin in 1930.
Paul Parsons es una de las personas que entienden esas teorías.
Walter Isaacson, que tuvo acceso a los archivos de Einstein, ofrece un extraordinario retrato del personaje y de su época, así como un fascinante relato de su vida.
Blends the brilliance of the scientific genius with the compassion, playfulness, and wit of the private figure "A fascinating read with more interesting material about Einstein as a human...
Studie over het leven en de theorieën van de natuurkundige (1879-1955)
By reading this book, you will learn more about Einstein's early life, including his hatred of traditional school environments, his first loves, and intellectual rebellion.