The Student Solutions Manual contains completely worked-out solutions with step-by-step annotations for all the odd-numbered exercises in the text, with the exception of the thinking and writing exercises.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
"To help today's students learn and retain mathematical concepts using problem solving and applications to motivate the students.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
The test bank includes 8 tests per chapter as well as 3 final exams. The tests are made up of a combination of multiple-choice, free-response, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions.
013393862X / 9780133938623 Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Models & MyMathLab CourseCompass Integrated Course Sequence -- Valuepack Access Card Package Package consists of: 0321726340 / 9780321726346 Elementary and ...
Emphasizing the language of algebra, the text's fully integrated learning process is designed to expand students' reasoning abilities and teach them how to read, write, and think mathematically.