The Sixth Edition of this widely adopted book remains the same classic differential equations text it's always been, but has been polished and sharpened to serve both instructors and students even more effectively.Edwards and Penney teach ...
The Sixth Edition of this widely adopted book remains the same classic differential equations text it's always been, but has been polished and sharpened to serve both instructors and students even more effectively.Edwards and Penney teach ...
For example, whenever a new type of problem is introduced (such as first-order equations, higher-order equations, systems of differential equations, etc.) the text begins with the basic existence-uniqueness theory.
In developing mathematical models, this text guides the student carefully through the underlying physical principles leading to the relevant mathematics.
Written in a clear and accurate language that students can understand, Trench's new book minimizes the number of explicitly stated theorems and definitions. Instead, he deals with concepts in a...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Elementary Differential...
The Sixth Edition of this acclaimed differential equations book remains the same classic volume it's always been, but has been polished and sharpened to serve readers even more effectively.
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
For example, whenever a new type of problem is introduced (such as first-order equations, higher-order equations, systems of differential equations, etc.) the text begins with the basic existence-uniqueness theory.
This Student Solutions Manual provides worked solutions to the even-numbered problems, along with a free CD-ROM that contains selected problems from the book and solves them using Maple. The CD contains the Maple kernal.
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
For example, whenever a new type of problem is introduced (such as first-order equations, higher-order equations, systems of differential equations, etc.) the text begins with the basic existence-uniqueness theory.
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
This book, with enough material for 2 terms, provides a concrete and readable text for the traditional course in elementary differential equations that science, engineering, and mathematics students take following calculus.
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
See previous listing for contents.