Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, 12th Edition gives an elementary treatment of linear algebra that is suitable for a first course for undergraduate students.
The text reinforces critical ideas and lessons of traditional topics. More importantly, the book is written in a manner that deeply ingrains computational methods.
This program balances theory with examples, applications, and geometric intuition for a complete, step-by-step learning system.The Sixth Edition incorporates up-to-date coverage of Computer Algebra Systems (Maple/MATLAB/Mathematica); ...
The text reinforces critical ideas and lessons of traditional topics. More importantly, the book is written in a manner that deeply ingrains computational methods.
Elementary Linear Algebra, Second Canadian Edition provides instructors with the mathematical rigor and content required in a university level mathematics course, while providing students with a modern approach, interesting applications, ...
A book/disk text presenting the fundamentals of linear algebra, stressing concepts rather than computation and taking a matrix-oriented approach, with linear transformation defined in relation to matrix multiplication. Coverage includes...
CalcChat.com offers free step-by-step solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in the text. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra: With Applications
Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version
This book presents the basic ideas of linear algebra in a manner that users will find understandable. It offers a fine balance between abstraction/theory and computational skills, and gives readers...
Elementary Linear Algebra: Solutions Manual
This outstanding text starts off using vectors and the geometric approach, featuring a computational emphasis.
Elementary Linear Algebra, Sixth Edition provides a solid introduction to both the computational and theoretical aspects of linear algebra, covering many important real-world applications, including graph theory, circuit theory, Markov ...
Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, Textbook and Student Solutions Manual
For first courses in Linear Algebra or Matrix Theory. This introductory text offers a fine balance between abstraction/theory and computational skills. While vector spaces come early, this is not a...