This book will be of particular interest to emergency care providers, professional organizations, and policy makers looking to address the deficiencies in emergency care systems.
Success rates for initiation of intravenous therapy en route by prehospital care providers. Am J Emerg Med 1990;8(4):305–7. 9 Cotton BA, Jerome R, Collier BR, et al. Guidelines for prehospital fluid resuscitation in the injured patient.
The two-volume Emergency Medical Services: Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight delivers a thorough foundation upon which to succeed as an EMS medical director and prepare for the NAEMSP National EMS Medical Directors Course and ...
Local EMS protocols should address all of these issues. trauma The Guidelines for the Field Triage of Injured Patients, ... Despite these formal guidelines, numerous studies suggest that older adults are less likely to receive trauma ...
This book will be of particular interest to emergency care providers, professional organizations, and policy makers looking to address the deficiencies in emergency care systems.
Emergency Medical Services: Measures to Improve Care : Report of a Conference