Do he and old Jimmy go fishing together or did Matthews just save the Carter cat ? ” He threw his hand up in frustration . “ Good ol ' boys ! " Major Ernie Dixon stood patiently at attention as the Colonel digested the bad news .
This is a practical guide for lawyers applying modern land-use doctrine in takings cases.
Eminent Domain: Are Ohio Homeowners at Risk? : Field Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity of the...
This edited collection is the first to use a common framework to analyze the law and economics of eminent domain around the world.
A kaleidoscopic satire of our present moment, Eminent Domain is both a dark thriller and a radical neo-modernist experiment that probes at the limits of Utopia, a formally dazzling reimagining of the political novel in which lives, worlds ...
This edited collection is the first to use a common framework to analyze the law and economics of eminent domain around the world.
The taking of private property for development projects has caused controversy in many nations, where it has often been used to benefit powerful interests at the expense of the general...
A collection of essays that examines the use and abuse of eminent domain across the world.
This book provides information on the purposes for and extent to which eminent domain can be and has been used; the process states and select localities across the country use to acquire land, including by eminent domain; how the use of ...