The psychiatrist Wayne A. Myers found that imaginary companions are created in response to " narcissistic blows " such as " abandonment by one or both parents " ( Myers 513 ) , which is the case with Elliott ( and also with his creator ...
As Scott Eyman brilliantly demonstrates in this superbly researched biography, which draws on a massive cache of DeMille family papers not available to previous biographers, DeMille was much more than his clichéd image.
For reviews when A Guy Named Joe first appeared, see Crowther, Time, and Variety. Crowther said A Guy Named Joe "just misses the boat" and the conclusion is "foolish." Time found it "highly romanticized and somewhat overlong” but ...
A collection of stream-of-consciousness jottings by a Puerto Rican woman on life in New York City.
With 400 pages, 37 chapters, more than 280 photo's and maps, locomotive and station rosters, and reprints of newspaper articles, this softbound book is a must for railfans, historians and all readers interested in the early ways of men and ...
Empire of Dreams