The classic, award-winning novel, made famous by Steven Spielberg’s film, tells of a young boy’s struggle to survive World War II in China.
A young boy living in China at the outbreak of World War II is separated from his wealthy parents, forced to forage for survival in Shanghai's foreign quarter, interned in a Japanese prison camp, and, eventually, reunited with his family, ...
Empire of the Sun: J.G. Ballard : NEAP Notes
"Based on J. G. Ballard's own childhood, this is the extraordinary account of a boy's life in Japanese-occupied wartime Shanghai - a mesmerising, hypnotically compelling novel of war, of starvation and survival, of internment camps and ...
A detailed text and stunning images reveal t he extent of the Hubble Space Telescope''s resolving power as the authors of this book describe the images that have been sent back by one of astronomy''s greatest success stories. '
Empire of the Sun
Empire of the Sun: Revision Notes with Model Q & A.