In March of 1945, the Home Secretary, Herbert Morrison, appointed a seventeen-member commission to investigate the quality of the nation's state-run and charitable provision for children. Headed by the civil ser- vant Myra Curtis, ...
"Empire's Children: Vietnam, the War at Home, examines the continued impact on his family of his brother's death in Vietnam , and how that war still shapes American life decades later."
First Published in 2001.
... his matron appeared in his diary only once, in a fleeting mention of her treating his mosquito bites.115 And, as Hand's account ... Lost Children of the Empire, 82–84 and 110–125; Hill, The Forgotten Children, 72–76 and 154–185.
Operating at the intersection of history, anthropology, and law, this book reveals the unacknowledged but central role of race in the definition of French nationality.