For discussion, see Weintraub, Employment Discrimination Cases Under Title VII: The Presumption of Irreparable Harm in Preliminary Injunction Motions, 12 MEM. ST. U. L. REV. 197 (1982). (4) Lower courts have developed the “front-pay” ...
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials ; 1980 Cumulative Supplement
Changes in the area of employment discrimination law, since publication of earlier editions of this book, have refined many of the substantive doctrines and continued to clarify procedural issues.
The text features a combination of text, sample documents, checklists, charts, and exercises.
Employment discrimination law: Cumulative Suppl., 2002 [to the] 3. ed
Integrating cases, theory, and commentary, this up-to-date book provides readers with a detailed discussion of the important issues in employment discrimination law. It gives learners at all...
The authors and editors-practitioners in the field of employment discrimination law on behalf of management, employees, unions, and the government, respectively, as well as professors of law in this field-produced this Sixth Edition to ...
This is a companion volume to Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials, Seventh Edition, 2011
Areas of new or expanded coverage include the scope and effect of the Civil Rights Act of 1991; coverage of disability discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act; significant developments...
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials on Equality in the Workplace, 2000 Supplement
This book examines the federal statutory protection against employment discrimination, highlighting the themes of workplace equality that are embodied in the civil rights laws.
Reduces the language of court opinions into plain English and trims off extraneous topics to provide a succinct guide to what is and is not legal. No dates are noted...
Reflecting the dominate theme of workplace equality, the authors go beyond this general consensus to affirm that the fundamental purpose of laws prohibiting employment discrimination is to implement the national...
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not...
Employment Discrimination Law
Employment Discrimination Law: Cases and Materials