Clark. v. Nomura. International. plc. [2000]. IRLR. 766,. 774–5. Mr Justice Burton: My conclusion is that the right test ... how the 195 See H. Collins, 'The Contract of Employment in 3D' in D. Campbell, L. Mulcahy, and S. Wheeler (eds.) ...
Hall and Soskice view market-based forms of coordination between actors and institutions as the key characteristic of the US and UK economies ('liberal market economies'), contrasting this with relationship-based forms of coordination ...
When, at para 29 in the Khan case [2001] 1 WLR 1947, Lord Nicholls spoke of a 'subjective test' he was speaking of the exercise of determining the facts that operated on the mind of the [employer], not his motive for discriminating.
Are you studying employment law as part of an HR qualification? Then Employment Law in Context is the perfect guide to the legal principles that you are likely to encounter on a day-to-day basis as an HR professional.
Employment Law in Context combines extracts from leading cases, articles, and books with commentary to provide a full critical understanding of employment law.
Employment Law in Context: Text and Materials
This textbook is aimed at helping those with day-to-day responsibilities for employee relations and human resource management to manage within the law.
This textbook is aimed at helping those with day-to-day responsibilities for employee relations and human resource management to manage within the law.
This approach places employment law in context, enabling the reader to develop a clear and sophisticated understanding of this dynamic area.