Kagan , Shelly . The Limits of Morality . New York : Oxford University Press , 1989 . Kagan , Shelly . Normative Ethics . Boulder , CO : Westview Press , 1998 . Kamm , Frances M. Morality , Mortality . 2 vols .
St Ottilien : Eos , 1992 . in Newman , including two collections of interdisciplinary studies in which scholars ... to 1900 in England in the works of such men as John Cook Wilson , Thomas Case , H. W. B. Joseph , and H. A. Prichard .
This expression , however , is a hypothesis in Campbell's sense because v never occurs either alone or in combination in the testable derivations at all . ries would be completely valueless and unworthy of the name " ( ibid . , p .
Leibniz , Gottfried Wilhelm ; Nietzsche , Friedrich ; Proust , Marcel ; Psychoanalytic Theories , Logical Status of ; Rousseau , Jean - Jacques ; Schelling , Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von ; Schopenhauer , Arthur ; Thomas Aquinas ...
Pletho , George Gemistos . Traité des vertus . Edited by Brigitte Tambrun - Krasker . Athens : The Academy of Athens , 1987 . Psellos , Michael . De omnifaria doctrina . Edited by L . G . Westerink . Utrecht : J . L . Beuers N . V .
Tarski , 9 : 366 on transfinite induction , 4 : 741 on ur - intuition , 4 : 738 Wittgenstein and , 9 : 802 Brown ... duke of Leibniz and , 5 : 251 Lessing and , 5 : 295 Brush , Stephen G. , 9 : 218 Brute force theories of metaphor ...
If we compare this statement from Pragmatism with those cited earlier from Peirce , it is not difficult to see that in James's pragmatism the emphasis is upon the way individuals interpret environing conditions for purposes of ...
Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Appendix & index
Encyclopedia of Philosophy
This compilation presents importance research on philosophy. Some topics discussed herein include scepticism, corruption, hope and belief, the conscious and unconscious mind and the soul.