Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Donald M. Borchert

    Kagan , Shelly . The Limits of Morality . New York : Oxford University Press , 1989 . Kagan , Shelly . Normative Ethics . Boulder , CO : Westview Press , 1998 . Kamm , Frances M. Morality , Mortality . 2 vols .

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    St Ottilien : Eos , 1992 . in Newman , including two collections of interdisciplinary studies in which scholars ... to 1900 in England in the works of such men as John Cook Wilson , Thomas Case , H. W. B. Joseph , and H. A. Prichard .

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Donald M. Borchert

    This expression , however , is a hypothesis in Campbell's sense because v never occurs either alone or in combination in the testable derivations at all . ries would be completely valueless and unworthy of the name " ( ibid . , p .

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Donald M. Borchert

    Leibniz , Gottfried Wilhelm ; Nietzsche , Friedrich ; Proust , Marcel ; Psychoanalytic Theories , Logical Status of ; Rousseau , Jean - Jacques ; Schelling , Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von ; Schopenhauer , Arthur ; Thomas Aquinas ...

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Donald M. Borchert

    Pletho , George Gemistos . Traité des vertus . Edited by Brigitte Tambrun - Krasker . Athens : The Academy of Athens , 1987 . Psellos , Michael . De omnifaria doctrina . Edited by L . G . Westerink . Utrecht : J . L . Beuers N . V .

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Donald M. Borchert

    Tarski , 9 : 366 on transfinite induction , 4 : 741 on ur - intuition , 4 : 738 Wittgenstein and , 9 : 802 Brown ... duke of Leibniz and , 5 : 251 Lessing and , 5 : 295 Brush , Stephen G. , 9 : 218 Brute force theories of metaphor ...

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    If we compare this statement from Pragmatism with those cited earlier from Peirce , it is not difficult to see that in James's pragmatism the emphasis is upon the way individuals interpret environing conditions for purposes of ...

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Appendix & index

    Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Appendix & index

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

    Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  • Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    By Charles Malone

    This compilation presents importance research on philosophy. Some topics discussed herein include scepticism, corruption, hope and belief, the conscious and unconscious mind and the soul.