Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations

  • Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: L-R
    By James Minahan

    Northern Tai in 221 B.C. The advance of the Han Chinese culture and the boundaries of their empire pushed the Tai peoples southward. Their homeland, later called Kwangsi, was known as the land of Pai-Yiieh, meaning the Hundred Yiieh, ...

  • Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: D-K
    By James Minahan

    The Hui's Muslim religion and related practices and customs, such as refusing to eat pork, continue to separate them from the Han Chinese. The Hui were dispersed in the eighteenth century; Hui minorities live in many parts of China, ...

  • Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: A-C
    By James Minahan

    SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Allworth, Edward A., ed. Tatars of the Crimea: Their Stmggle for Survival. 1988. . The Tatars of the Crimea: Return to the Homeland. 1998. Fisher, Alan W. The Crimean Tatars. 1978. Kirimli, Hakan.

  • Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: Ethnic and National Groups Around the World A-Z [4 Volumes]
    By James Minahan

    SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY: Allworth, Edward A., ed. Tatars of the Crimea: Their Struggle for Survival. 1988. ———. The Tatars of the Crimea: Return to the Homeland. 1998. Fisher, Alan W. The Crimean Tatars. 1978. Kirimli, Hakan.

  • Encyclopedia of the Stateless Nations: S-Z
    By James Minahan

    ... Chevaliers de l'Indépendance (GDI); Mouvement Souveraineté Association (MSA); National Rally for Independence (Ralliement National pour L'Indépendance du Québec); Union Nationale QUECHUA-AYMARA: Tuwantinsuyo Liberation Movement; ...