Captain John Mackinnon and his ship, the Matthew Flinders, are embarking on their last voyage. Both endangered species, they symbolize the irreversible, quiet decline of the British merchant fleet.
Discusses various aspects of endangered species, including causes of extinction, land use, protection laws, and the race to prevent more extinctions.
Wilson , Edward Osborne . The Future of Life . New York : Knopf , 2002. A Pulitzer - prize winning naturalist's overview of the dire problems facing the natural world today , including fascinating stories of struggling species and an ...
Endangered Species, 2nd Edition, presents information on endangered and threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mollusks, insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and plants. Its 240 entries -- including 40 new species added...
Contains studies, surveys, and statistics on issues related to endangered species, covering the Endangered Species Act, and looking at different classes of animals, including marine mammals, fish, amphibians, birds, plants,...
Arctic Foothills This ecoregion consists of a wide swath of rolling hills and plateaus that grades from the coastal plain ( 101 ) on the north to the Brooks Range ( 103 ) on the south . The eastwest extent of the ecoregion stretches ...
Internet Sites Virginia Campbell , “ Elephants in the Balance : Conserving Africa's Elephants , ” World Wide Fund for Nature . . D.S. Wilcove et al . , “ Rebuilding the Ark.
Larsen had seen the technique before. The man would attempt to drive his knee into Larsen's torso, knocking him down. Then he would kick and stomp him for as long as he liked. Even a Taser wasn't likely to do much more than further piss ...
Adult dragonflies occupy open areas and forest edges near wetland habitats , where they feed on invertebrate Spruce - fir Moss Spider The Spruce - fir moss spider is an endangered spider related to the tarantula .
Kelly also loved life and enjoyed it to its fullest. Above all, she loved Hank Jarkin and flying even more. In what precise order, depended on what time of day or night she happened to find herself. At this moment it was flying which ...
Lots of blood.Join the 1,000's of readers who love techno-political thrillers who have read this book! Book 2 in the Sleeping Dogs series, it takes the reader all over the globe, as Whelan and the Dogs fight to stop a power-mad cartel.
Captain John Mackinnin and the British merchant ship Matthew Flinders face internal unrest, Typhoon David, and the rescue of a boatload of refugees on the journey to Hong Kong.
looks at the many animals and plants that have become endangered through hunting, poaching, pollution, habitat loss, and climate change.
Cumberland Island, off the coast of Georgia, is a breathtaking setting for tedious fire presuppression duty.
And Saul Bellow said, "The country has changed so, that what I do no longer signifies anything, as it did when I was young." But to judge from this collection, writers and writing aren't done for quite yet.
And Saul Bellow said, "The country has changed so, that what I do no longer signifies anything, as it did when I was young." But to judge from this collection, writers and writing aren't done for quite yet.
RECENT TITLES IN DOCUMENTARY AND REFERENCE GUIDES Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide Thomas Cieslik, ... Animal Rights and Welfare: A Documentary and Reference Guide Lawrence W. Baker Water Rights and the Environment in the ...
Gene Wolfe, whose tetralogy The Book of the New Sun was the most acclaimed science fiction work of the 1980s, offered his second collection of short fiction in 1990 to universal acclaim.
It includes the work of artists who spotlight human actions threatening biodiversity alongside art projects that revitalize habitats and reconnect people to the natural world.
Describes various endangered species, including the Vancouver Island marmot, orangutan, Houston toad, and babirusa.