Engineering Materials Technology
Over 200 experiments and demonstrations from the National Educators' Workshops are listed throughout. This edition provides revised case studies with illustrations of materials applications which highlight new developments.
Providing information on materials evaluation and selection, failure analysis and materials testing, this updated edition adopts a strong environmental approach.
Engineering Materials Technology continues to cover basic concepts in materials science, engineering and technology dealing with traditional as well as advanced materials. In addition to...
Emphasizing basic concepts and supported by current industrial practices and applications, this readable text/reference on engineering materials is designed to help students develop problem solving abilities in such areas as...
The book is comprised of 20 chapters that are organized into five parts. The text first covers the structure of materials, such as metals, alloys, and non-metals.
Engineering Materials Technology
Engineering Materials Technology
For courses in Materials Technology, Materials and Processes Technology, Materials Science and Technology, Industrial Materials, Composites and Ceramics, Non-Metallic Materials and Building Materials. Emphasizing basic concepts supported by current and...