Offers advice about making career choices, finding a job, working, and managing your life once you are on your own.
Offers advice about making career choices, finding a job, working, and managing your life once you are on your own.
Offers advice about making career choices, finding a job, working, and managing your life once you are on your own.
Offers instruction in career choices, finding a job, working, and life skills.
Offers advice about making career choices, finding a job, working, and managing your life once you are on your own.
Offers instruction in career choices, finding a job, working, and life skills.
Subsequent courses present key information needed to successfully function within the world of work, how to communicate effectively with employers and co-workers, and then how to develop a successful cover letter and resume to obtain ...
Gives advice about career choices, finding a job and managing your life when you are on your own.
The viewer will see and hear information that they will both remember and understand. Best of all you can accurately measure their understanding with the Multiple Choice Test questions that are included in the Study Guide.
The viewer will see and hear information that they will both remember and understand. Best of all you can accurately measure their understanding with the Multiple Choice Test questions that are included in the Study Guide.
For career preparation classes, covers career awareness and researching, exploring and selecting careers; finding and applying for jobs, professional behavior; and independent living skills such as money management, using technology, and ...
Monograph on the sociological aspects of workers adaptation among young workers and school leavers in the UK - considers problems associated with the transition from school to work, particularly among...
The viewer will see and hear information that they will both remember and understand. Best of all you can accurately measure their understanding with the Multiple Choice Test questions that are included in the Study Guide.
Entering the World of Work: Testmaker (IBM)
Entering the World of Work: Instructor's Guide