This book enables you to focus on the key issues that need to be considered with regard to new ventures and/or a business plan module, as well as courses on theory and policy relating to entrepreneurship and small businesses.
In S. T. Fiske, D. L. Schacter, & C. Zahn-Waxler (Eds.), Annual review of psychology (Vol. 52) (pp. 397–422). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews. McGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Warum wird nur ein kleiner prozentualer Anteil der Bevölkerung zum Unternehmer und gründet ein unabhängiges Unternehmen? 3. Welche Rolle sollte der Staat bei der ... Literatur Verwendete Literatur 1 10 11 12 13 14 Fallgatter, M. (2002).
Gartner, W. (1989) 'Who Is an Entrepreneneur' is the Wrong Question. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 13(4), pp. 47–67. Gartner, W., Carter, C. and Hills, G. (2003) The Language of Opportunity. In C. Steyaert and D. Hjorth (eds), ...
Ordway Tead and Marshall Dimock have combined physical, mental and philosophical traits and they are thus of the opinion that a manager is a sum total of all these traits. But the best combination ofthese traits has been given by G.W. ...
Foreman-Peck, James S. and Robert Millward (1994), Public and Private Ownership of Industry in Britain, 1820–1980, Oxford: Clarendon Press. Granovetter, Mark (1985), 'Economic action and social structure: the problem of embeddedness', ...
Amabile, T. (1998, September/October). How to kill creativity. Harvard Business Review, 76(5), 77. Anna, C. (2002, July 15). Internet banking startup sues rival over moonlighting worker. Austin AmericanStatesman (via ...
from 13. Timmons, J., & Spinelli, S. (2008). New venture creation (8th ed., p. 457). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Carreyrou, J. (2015, October 16). Hot startup Theranos has struggled with its blood-test technology. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Clark, K. (2019, ...
Repayment Plan : Changes in Liabilities and Net Worth The “ Repayment Plan ” section of the worksheet shows how liabilities will change from year to year . It also shows how the company's net worth will change as a result of debt ...
The 6th Edition examines entrepreneurship through an easy, four-step process that clearly outlines both the excitement and difficulty of launching a new company.
'Entrepreneurship' introduces readers to the process of entrepreneurial success and shows them how to be effective every step of the way.
NOTE: This edition features the same content as the traditional text in a convenient, three-hole-punched, loose-leaf version.
Careful to identify failures as well as successes, the text is a guideto starting a new business.
The Fifth Edition examines entrepreneurship through an easy, four-step process that clearly outlines both the excitement and the difficulty of launching one's own business.
Using real business profiles of inspiring youngentrepreneurs, the text engages students through relevant examples they caneasily relate to.
The 6th Edition examines entrepreneurship through an easy, four-step process that clearly outlines both the excitement and difficulty of launching a new company. Careful to identify failures a.
The 6th Edition examines entrepreneurship through an easy, four-step process that clearly outlines both the excitement and difficulty of launching a new company.
For undergraduate courses in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation.
Students walk away from this text with the entrepreneurial mindset, skillset, and toolset that can be applied to startups as well as organizations of all kinds.