Entrepreneurship, by Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters and Dean Shepherd has been designed to clearly instruct students on the process of formulating, planning, and implementing a new venture. Students are exposed...
"Helping students achieve the competitive advantage they need for successful entrepreneurship!" In his third edition of this text, Marc J. Dollinger continues to offer the most current theories and practices of entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship: Launching New Ventures, 3e, introduces readers to the process of entrepreneurial success and shows them how to be effective every step of the way. Introduction...
In its Fourth Edition, Entrepreneurship takes a critical look at contemporary entrepreneurial successes, allowing readers with a range of business interests to engage with and draw insight from the text.
This book tries to facilitate a fundamental rethinking of entrepreneurial activity and how it is manifested.
Critical Perspectives on Business and Management Norris F. Krueger ... International Small Business Journal for permission to reprint L. J. Filion , ' Vision and relations : elements for an entrepreneurial metamodel .
Specifically , we first split the sample into those respondents devoting 30 or more hours per week to the business and those devoting 29 or fewer hours per week . A 2 2 ( Gender x Hours ) analysis of variance on personal stable ...
'Entrepreneurship' takes students on the entire journey of launching a new business venture, placing a unique emphasis on the front end of the entrepreneurial process.
In Entrepreneurship: Create Your Own Business, successful entrepreneur and business mentor Alex Kahan describes a path of diligence, research, and fun for young entrepreneurs.
The text covers all stages of the entrepreneurial process from searching for an opportunity to shaping it into a commercially attractive product or service, launching the new venture, and building it into a viable business.
This text encourages students to examine all the major steps involved in starting a new business: Ownership, Strategy, Finance, and Marketing.
Entrepreneurship: A Primer explains what is distinctive and important about entrepreneurship and its role in boosting innovation, progress, productivity and economic growth.
This book is designed to help anyone who wants to start or grow a business. Brian Tracy teaches readers the science of entrepreneurship, tested and proven not just for years, but for millenia.
This book, Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Policies, introduces the various strategic actors, their power relations, and interactions and social ties, and shows you how they are connected to entrepreneurship policies.
This text encourages students to examine all the major steps involved in starting a new business: Ownership, Strategy, Finance, and Marketing.
Special Features Enhance Learning * Entrepreneurship in Action with DECA Prep Prepare for DECA competitive events in every chapter * Build a Business Open each chapter with a thought-provoking scenario * Net Worth Incorporate internet ...
3 (1995): 554–580. 54. Myra Hart, Howard Stevenson, and Jay Dial, ''Entrepreneurship: A Definition Revisited,'' in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 1995, eds. William Bygrave, Barbara Bird, Sue Birley, Neil Churchill, Michael Hay, ...
frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 1995: proceedings of the 15th Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Wellesley, MA: Babson College; 1995. Farashah AD. The Process of Impact of Entrepreneurship Education and Training on ...
Entrepreneurship Research , Global Perspectives , Amsterdam and Associates . Kuhn , T. S. ( 1970 ) , The Structure ... Parsons , J. ( 1995 ) , Portfolio Entrepreneurs : Growth and Diversification . Dissertation , MSc in Entrepreneurial ...
Entrepreneurship is credited for technological invention, the rise of corporate empires and directly linked to economic development around the world. This multi-volume set of original essays showcases emerging theory and...