Environment and Social Theory

  • Environment and Social Theory
    By John Barry

    Benton, T. (1991) 'Biology and Social Science: Why the Return of the Repressed Should be Given a (Cautious) Welcome', ... Cooper, D. and Palmer, J. (eds) (1992) The Environment in Question: Ethics andGlobal Issues,London: Routledge.

  • Environment and Social Theory
    By John Barry

    Tocqueville, A. (1956) Democracy in America, edited by R. Heffner, New York: Mentor Books. ... White, D. (2003) 'Hierarchy, Domination, Nature: Considering Bookchin's Critical Social Theory', Organization and Environment, 16:1.

  • Environment and Social Theory
    By John Barry

    Cooper, D. (1992) 'The Idea of Environment' in D.Cooper and J.Palmer (eds). Cooper, D. and Palmer, J. (eds) (1992) The Environment in Question: Ethics andGlobal Issues,London: Routledge. Croall, S. and Rankin, W. (1981) Ecology for ...

  • Environment and Social Theory
    By John Barry

    This popular text outlines the complex interlinking of the environment, nature and social theory from ancient and pre-modern thinking to contemporary social theorizing.

  • Environment and Social Theory
    By John Barry

    Written in an accessible and jargon-free way, Environment and Social Theory examines: * the historical relationship between social theory and the environment *pre-Enlightenment and Enlightenment social theory and the environment * twentieth ...