Borrowing from psychologist James Jerome Gibson's (1986) classic The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, therefore, this chapter will describe which affordances are enabled by various media and which are not.
... A Fierce Green Fire: The American Environmental Movement. (Rev. ed.). Washing, DC: Island Press, 2003. • Luke W. Cole and Sheila R. Foster, From the Ground Up: Environmental Racism and the Rise of the Environmental Justice Movement.
Kinsella, W. J., & J. Mullen. (2008). Becoming Hanford downwinders: Producing community and challenging discursive containment. In B. C. Taylor, W. J. Kinsella, S. P. Depoe, & M. S. Metzler (Eds.), Nuclear legacies: Communication, ...
The Fifth Edition of the award-winning Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere is the first comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental communication.
The Fifth Edition of the award-winning Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere is the first comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental communication.
This accessible book: • Summarizes current scholarship in the area and makes accessible many of the practices of media, corporations, and advocacy groups that are not readily available in public sources. • Gives students insight into ...
"The Sixth Edition of the award-winning Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere is the best-selling comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental communication.
National Communication Association. Retrieved from https://www paris-climate-accord-communicates-end-era Pring, ... In S. L. Senecah (Ed.), The environmental communication yearbook (vol.
This groundbreaking book focuses on the role that human communication plays in influencing the ways we perceive the environment.