This is the kind of strategy taken by Peter D.Klein in Certainty: A Refutation of Scepticism (Minneapolis: ... Thus, relative to the contrast class of near perfect imitations, I do not know that there is a green field before me; ...
Designed to accompany Epistemology: An Anthology or stand alone as a concise primer, this is a straightforward and accessible introduction to contemporary epistemology for those studying the topic for the first time.
... 98, 202n, 205n White, Alan, 117, 207n Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 91, 97 Wolterstorff, Nicholas, 8, 161, 162, 198, 203n, 204n, 210n, 211n Wright, Robert, 28, 200n Wykstra, Stephen, 111, 206n Zagzebski, Linda, 8, 188, 198, 201n, 210n 205n, ...
"-Ernest Sosa, Rutgers University "This is a massively impressive book, introducing ...virtually all the main areas of epistemology.... lucid and highly readable, while not shirking the considerable complexities of his subject matter.
In this study of how we know what we know, W. Jay Wood surveys current views of foundationalism, epistemic justification and reliabilism.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 48 49 50 51 Miller, 'The Missing-Explanation Argument Revisited', p. 77. Johnston, 'Are Manifest Qualities Response-Dependent?', p. 15. Miller, 'The Missing-Explanation Argument Revisited', p. 85.
Special features of the third edition of Epistemology include: a comprehensive survey of basic concepts, major theories, and emerging research in the field enhanced treatment of key topics such as contextualism, perception (including ...
EpistemologyBy Richard Feldman
A comprehensive introduction to the theory of knowledge.
Epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, is concerned about how we know what we do, what justifies us in believing what we do, and what standards of evidence we should use in seeking truths about the world of human experience.
Specially written to meet the needs of students and those with little prior knowledge of the subject, these books open up a whole range of important, yet often difficult ideas.
Each entry is accessible, succinct, and self-contained. Epistemology: 50 Puzzles, Paradoxes, and Thought Experiments is a fantastic learning tool as well as a handy resource for anyone interested in epistemological issues.
Epistemology: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Knowledge
A comprehensive introduction to the theory of knowledge.
If while dreaming one does actually assent to misdeeds, even to crimes, does its being just a dream protect one from ... Rather, one is not responsible in the slightest.12 Dreams seem more like imaginings, stories, or even daydreams, ...
The first half of the book examines core questions about the nature and structure of justification and knowledge, skepticism, and the Gettier problem, paying careful attention to reliabilism, evidentialism, contextualism, pragmatic ...
... Philosophy of Art and Religion ( Garden City , 1971 ) [ 98 ] G. Vlastos , Platonic Studies , 2nd edn ( Princeton ... Plato's Philosophy ' , Neue Hefte für Philosophie 15/16 ( 1979 ) , 337-48 [ 111 ] S. Scolnicov , " Three Aspects of ...