Thoroughly revised and restructured for ease of navigation and clear progression between topics, the format of the third edition is designed to meet the needs of both students and practitioners.
Equity and Trusts is an ideal textbook for undergraduate courses on the law of trusts and equitable remedies.
Equity and Trusts: Textbook
This book explains the facts and associated case law for: • The nature of a trust, the creation of express private trusts and purpose trusts • Constitution of trusts • Types of trust: secret, protective and discretionary, resulting ...
Law Express: Equity and Trusts is designed to help you to relate all the reading and study throughout your course specifically to exam and assignment situations.
Fully updated by reference to reported and unreported case law throughout Australia, New Zealand, the UK and Canada, and by reference to the latest journal articles. It includes chapters on...
"The eighth edition of Equity and Trusts: Commentary and Materials builds on the strengths of the previous editions, maintaining its focus on prefacing case and statutory extracts by statements of principle to guide the student, and ...
Key features include: * Diagrams at the start of chapters to summarise the key points * Structured heading levels to allow for clear recall of the main facts * Charts and tables to break down more complex information New to these editions ...
Provides an account of the general principles of the modern law of equity and trusts in Australia.
Equity and trusts (Butterworths questions and answers)
Equity and Trusts
The purpose of this book is to provide students with materials which explore the breadth & nature of the modern law of equity & trusts.
Law Express Question and Answer: Equity and Trusts is designed to ensure you get the most marks for every answer you write by improving your understanding of what examiners are looking for, helping you to focus in on the question being ...
Equity and Trusts
Equity and Trusts
This book provides a systematic,structured guide to a study of the essential features of equity and trusts.
Equity and Trusts
Equity and Trusts: Textbook
... cy-près doctrine has always been limited. 284 Charities Act 1993, s 74. 285 Ibid, s 75. 286 R Mulheron, The Modern Cy-près Doctrine, UCL Press, 2006, Chapter 6 and Chapter 10. 287 [1979] 1 WLR 278. 288 [1969] 1 Ch 373. 289 [1976] Ch 235 ...
A clear and current picture of the law of trusts and equity placing the subject in its modern context.