Elliott DS. Serious violent offenders: onset, developmental course, and termination. The American Society of Criminology 1993 Presidential Address. Criminol. 1994;32:1–21. 58. Catalano RF, Hawkins JD. Risk Focused Prevention: Using the ...
This book will: -Introduce students to the relationship between behavior and a selection of major health issues.
This book will: - Introduce students to the relationship between behavior and a selection of major health issues.
In clear and accessible language, this text provides the student with a background of the kinds of social and behavioral theories that guide our understanding of health related behavior and form the background for health promotion and ...
"The first edition of Essentials of Health Behavior: Social and Behavioral Theory in Public Health, was published in 2007.
Health Promotion, Education, And Prevention Programs Ultimately Focus On Changing Health Behavior. Essentials Of Health Behavior, Second Edition Provides The Groundwork For Understanding, Assessing, And Effectively Applying Theories Of Human...