In Libby L., Bonow R.O., Mann D.L., et al. (Eds.), Braunwald's heart disease (8th ed., pp. 985–1002). ... Guillevin L., Dörner T. (2007). Vasculitis: Mechanisms involved and clinical ... Roberts J.M., Pearson G., Cutler J., et al.
Clear, readable and student-friendly, this edition delivers "need to know" disease content, along with the essential foundation in science that nursing, physician assistant, pharmacology, advanced health science and medical students need to ...
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
This abundantly illustrated text is extremely readable and filled with learning tools to highlight important ideas for the reader.
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
Essentials of Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States
Package contains 97815825557243 & 9780781777797
For nursing students studying for a paramedical career, this text adopts a readable style and a conceptual, rather than disease-centred, approach.