
  • Estonia: Independence and European Integration
    By David Smith

    Pertti Joenniemi and Peeter Vares (Tampere, 1993), p. 188. 39 N. Dormas, '"Russkii Vopros' po Estonski," Den' za Dnem, 17 February 1995. 40 Jonson, pp. 176-1 77; Neil Melvin, Russians Beyond Russia: The Politics of National Identity ...

  • Estonia
    By Emily Anderson, Michael Spilling

    Small pies called pirukas (PI-ru-kuhs), filled with meat, carrots, and cabbage, are also served. Fish—especially herring—is a part of the cold table. Estonia is famous throughout the region for its sprats (canned fish similar to ...

  • Estonia: Independence and European Integration
    By David James Smith

    In 1998, Estonia became the first of the former Soviet republics to enter membership negotiations with the EU. This book traces the remarkable reforms that have propelled Estonia from the USSR to the threshold of the EU in less than a ...

  • Estonia: A Ramble Through the Periphery
    By Alexander Theroux

    Any journey with Alexander Theroux is an education.

  • Estonia: Identity and Independence

    ... changer d'avis La phrase communique que le sujet il a un comportement tel que l'action ' changer d'avis ' est en train de germer . Si les conditions restent favorables , si personne n'essaie de le faire revenir sur sa première intention ...

  • Estonia
    By Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Centre for Co-operation with Non-members

    OECD's 2001 review of Estonia's education system.

  • Estonia
    By Neil Taylor

    ... Piip, Meierovics and Voldemaras, Makers of the Modern World by Charlotte Alston. These were the three foreign ministers involved in the Versailles negotiations. This book is part of a large series on politicians active at that time ...