Eternal Life

  • Eternal Life
    By Henry Drummond

    Excerpt: ETERNAL LIFE "This is Life Eternal-that they might know Thee, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.

  • Eternal Life: Large Print Edition
    By Henry Drummond

    Excerpt: ETERNAL LIFE "This is Life Eternal-that they might know Thee, the True God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent.

  • Eternal Life: A Novel
    By Dara Horn

    I am indebted to Michael Wexfor his comparison of Hillel's maxim “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor” with the Golden Rule, found in his playfully titled How to Be a Mentsh (& Not a Shmuck), and to Ilana Kurshan for her ...

  • Eternal Life
    By Maria Eugenia Martin

    The Spanish version of this book can be viewed here: Vida Eterna

  • Eternal Life
    By Margarita

    To you well learned person and have enacted laws of Eternal life, who must take on Earth man, rather than after death. Page of Wands is the human consciousness, which he chooses to Land before going into Eternal life and the law is ...