Ethics and Education Research

  • Ethics and Education Research
    By Meg Maguire, Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele

    Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research.

  • Ethics and Education Research
    By Meg Maguire, Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele

    Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele, Meg Maguire. reflexively, in a way which opens up – rather than closes down – a space for negotiation, questioning and dialogue'. Approaching the concept in this way, as part of a broader acceptance that ...

  • Ethics and Education Research
    By Meg Maguire, Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele

    Drawn from the authors' experiences in the UK, Australia and mainland Europe and with contributions from across the globe, this clear and accessible book includes a wide range of examples.

  • Ethics and Education Research
    By Meg Maguire, Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele

    Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research.

  • Ethics and Education Research
    By Meg Maguire, Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele

    Part of the popular BERA/SAGE Research Methods in Education series, this is the first book to specifically focus on the ethics of Education research.