... The Common European Sales Law in Context (OUP 2013); Howells/Schulze (eds), Modernising and Harmonising Consumer Contract Law (Sellier 2009); Howells/Wilhelmsson/Twigg- Flesner, Rethinking EU Consumer Law (Routledge 2017); Jansen, ...
Furthermore, the book comprises a wealth of translated extracts of legislation, cases, and academic literature. This text comprehensively covers all aspects of contract law in several European jurisdictions.
This volume tests the claim that, as combinations of Civil and Common Law influences, the mixed systems of contract law in Scotland and South Africa have anticipated the content of the Principles of European Contract Law (PECL) concluded ...
The results of this work were sent to the European Commission and have already been published in French. The English translation is now being published by sellier.elp. This work could contribute to the wider European project.
This English edition has been translated by Gill Mertens, building on the work done by the translator of the first edition, Tony Weir. This edition will be invaluable to scholars and practitioners in Europe and beyond.
This particular report from the European Union Committee (HLP 95, ISBN 9780108444364) considers the proposal for a Draft Common Frame of Reference in respect of European contract law.
Moreover, this second edition takes into account the legislative proposals and challenges resulting from the 'Digital Revolution' and the development of a 21st century contract law and also incorporates the new Proposed Digital Content ...
This volume sets out initially to test the claim that, as combinations of Civil and Common Law influences, the mixed systems of contract law in Scotland and South Africa have anticipated the content of the Principles of European Contract ...
This English edition has been translated by Gill Mertens, building on the work done by the translator of the first edition, Tony Weir. This edition will be invaluable to scholars and practitioners in Europe and beyond.
European Contract Law