R v Campbell (2007) FACTS: The defendant was charged with false imprisonment and assault against a woman with whom he had a sexual relationship. The prosecution was permitted to adduce evidence of recent crimes of violence against ...
The Evidence Concentrate is written and designed to help you succeed.
Including revision tips and advice for extra marks, alongside a thorough and focussed breakdown of the key topics and cases, this guide will help you to get the most out of your revision and to maximise your performance in exams.
The book focuses on the needs of students to succeed in their exams, showing how all the legal rules fit together and the approach that should be adopted when answering questions.
An Online Resource Centre also accompanies this book (www.oxfordtextbooks.co.uk/orc/concentrate/), giving you access to the following resources: - A diagnostic test entitled 'where do I need to concentrate?' to help you identify which ...
... oppression test 38–9 PACE Codes 41–2 real evidence resulting from 42 related areas 36 reliability test 39 third party 49, ... 4–5 rules 7 suspect 125–6 sworn 114 testimonial 6 truth, of 124 truth seeking 7 A16 Concentrate Evidence ...
Evidence Concentrate
Evidence Concentrate: Law Revision and Study Guide