Written in accessible language, this text explains how to use Excel's functions to create and edit formulas, and use them for calculation and analysis. The text features graphics from Excel software packages.
Excel has been helping students get the HSC results they want for over 25 years. We are experts in producing the best study guides for students.
"The entire book assumes you are using MS Excel 2013. If you have the 2016 version, this book can still be used."--Page 6.
A pesar del reconocido potencial de este popular software de hojas de cálculo, todavía son muchos los usuarios que conocen tan sólo una pequeña parte de su funcionalidad.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn: Microsoft Excel- the Beginning. Great features of Microsoft Excel. How to use Spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel formulas and functions. Use of Database in Microsoft Excel.
Excel The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Learning Fundamentals Of Excel For Business! This book has specially been designed for final beginners of Microsoft Excel. It will give you the best guideline in the least time.