All the above published by Darton , Longman and Todd Ltd , and used by permission of the publishers . ... Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius , for excerpts from S. Brock , ' The Prayer of the Heart in Syrian Tradition ' , Sobornost ...
This collection includes sermons, letters and quotations that give excellent insight into his theology.
A modern classic--revised with more than 70 percent new material--is based on seven Scriptural realities that teach Christians how to develop a true relationship with the Creator.
SUMMARY Both major adjustments and costly obedience come before the experience of God's presence and power working through you. Many Christians and churches come to this moment of truth and decide the cost is too great.
Knowing God comes through a love relationship with a Person. Through this relationship, God reveals Himself, His purpose, and His ways. Then you come to Know God in a more intimate way by Experiencing God.--From Experiencing God
What does it mean to have a genuine experience of God?
In Experiencing God, Thomas H. Green, S.J., presents a brief and accessible guide to prayer. Green reminds readers that prayer life is, above all, a relationship with God and a deepening of our experience of God.
Bible study invites young adults to join God in His work as it focuses on the application of Kingdom Principles.
Discusses ways a person can deepen his relationship with God and to experience the fullness of life
Experiencing God: How to Live the Full Adventure of Knowing and Doing the Will of God
Vast in scope, rich in insight and eminently readable. Worship This is a book about the God, the many splendored God, to whom the human community journeys.