This book will forever change your perception of customers, marketing, and brands -- from Amtrak and Singapore Airlines to Herbal Essences products and Gwyneth Paltrow.
This book will forever change your perception of customers, marketing, and brands -- from Amtrak and Singapore Airlines to Herbal Essences products and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Bernd Schmitt claims that what consumers want are products, communications and campaigns that arouse the senses, touch their hearts, and stimulate their minds.
Esta obra nos presenta un enfoque revolucionario del márketing, cuyo objetivo fundamental es la creación de experiencias holísticas en los clientes por medio de marcas que lleven asociadas percepciones sensoriales, afectivas y creativos ...
Experiential Marketing faces new challenges in a post-Covid era – this book will be the basis for overcoming those challenges and providing opportunities to marketers everywhere.
Experiential marketing, the use of live, face-to-face engagements to connect with audiences, create relationships and drive brand affinity, has become the fastest-growing form of marketing in the world as the very companies that built their ...
In this book, Professor Batat combines theory and practice and gives readers an overview of: the origins and the rise of the customer experience logic, the 7Es of the new experiential marketing mix, and the challenges for the future.
This book demonstrates how experiential marketing fits in with the current marketing climate, and how to go about planning, activating and evaluating it for best results.
Measurement is a high priority to justify increased investment in experiential. However, a lack of suitable and consistent methods for evaluating experiential marketing has been a major criticism faced by the industry.
People frequently ask us why experiential marketing grew so quickly, almost out of nowhere, and why so many companies use it. We don't have a single answer. We have seven: • It Carries the Strength of Many . Experiential marketing ...
Wided Batat is Professor of Experiential Marketing and an expert in digital marketing, customer experience, and digital transformation. As the founder of B&C Consulting Group, Wided directs and carries out research in experiential ...
This book demonstrates how experiential marketing fits in with the current marketing climate, and it explains how to go about planning, activating and evaluating it for best results.
Experiential marketing, the use of live, face-to-face engagements to connect with audiences, create relationships and drive brand affinity, has become the fastest-growing form of marketing in the world as the very companies that built their ...
Experiential Marketing: Exploring the Dimensions, Characteristics, and Logic of Firm-driven Experiences