This book is one of a seven volume series covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery - each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices.
Debbie Travis, Facelift propose des solutions novatrices et épatantes aux problèmes de décoration et une approche nouvelle et simple pour redonner vie à chacune des pièces de votre maison. Lorsque...
Kaye's ability to make things "perfect" has served her well in her career as a realtor... if only it could transform her personal life! When her ex-mother-in-law gets a botched facelift, does it mean God is helping her get her husband back?
Topics include: Concomitant Resurfacing and Facial Implants in Facelift; Complications of Facelift; Anesthesia and Facility in Facelift; Concomitant Fillers in Facelift; Short Scar Vertical U Lift; Deep Plane Facelift; SMAS Facelift ...
Facelift: Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery