
  • Facelift
    By J. Regan Thomas, Clinton D. Humphrey

    This book is one of a seven volume series covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery - each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices.

  • Facelift: Solutions pratiques pour redonner vie à votre maison
    By Debbie Travis, Barbara Dingle

    Debbie Travis, Facelift propose des solutions novatrices et épatantes aux problèmes de décoration et une approche nouvelle et simple pour redonner vie à chacune des pièces de votre maison. Lorsque...

  • Facelift
    By Leanna Ellis

    Kaye's ability to make things "perfect" has served her well in her career as a realtor... if only it could transform her personal life! When her ex-mother-in-law gets a botched facelift, does it mean God is helping her get her husband back?

  • Facelift: Current Approaches
    By Stephen Prendiville

    Topics include: Concomitant Resurfacing and Facial Implants in Facelift; Complications of Facelift; Anesthesia and Facility in Facelift; Concomitant Fillers in Facelift; Short Scar Vertical U Lift; Deep Plane Facelift; SMAS Facelift ...

  • Facelift: Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery
    By J. Regan Thomas

    Facelift: Thomas Procedures in Facial Plastic Surgery