Facing the Future

  • Facing the Future: Agents and Choices in Our Indeterminist World
    By Nuel Belnap, Michael Perloff, Ming Xu

    3E Davidson Because Davidson 1966 has given rise to a substantial literature, our commentary will not be extensive. Several remarks are in order concerning the difference between the stit sentence and Davidson's approach.

  • Facing the Future: Agents and Choices in Our Indeterminist World
    By Michael Perloff, Ming Xu, Nuel D. Belnap

    ... “Marcus and the problem of nested deontic modalities,” in D. R. W. Sinnott-Armstrong and N. Asher, eds., Modality, morality, and belief: Essays in honor of Ruth Barcan Marcus, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 174–197.

  • Facing the Future
    By Susan Hart

    This is a thought provoking, near future science fiction short story perfect for an election year. Raymond the Automatic House – After a war, an ex-soldier stumbles across an apparently empty house in the woods.

  • Facing the Future: A Guide for Parents of Young People who Have Sexually Abused
    By Simon Hackett

    This comprehensive text is written from a UK perspective in a style which is clear and accessible. It is motivational, empathetic and sensitive in its approach. The guide offers parents hope and emphasises that change is possible.

  • Facing the Future
    By Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins

    This series is based on the best-selling adult Left Behind series. Readers will see the Rapture and Tribulation through the eyes of four kids who have been left behind.

  • Facing the Future
    By Julius Afolabi

    There is so much that will happen to you to discourage you and make you view future void but you must clear your odd perception and see with courage the vision of your glorious future. No one faces the future with fear!

  • Facing the Future: Meeting the Threats and Challenges of the 21st Century

    FACING THE FUTURE: MEETING THE THREATS AND CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY Highlights of the Priorities, Initiatives, and Accomplishments of the U.S. Department of Defense 2001-2004 Facing the Future: Meeting the Threats and Challenges ...

  • Facing the Future: Young People and Unemployment Around the World
    By Unesco

    Facing the Future: Young People and Unemployment Around the World

  • Facing the Future: The Indian Child Welfare Act at 30
    By Matthew L. M. Fletcher, Wenona T. Singel, Kathryn E. Fort

    This collection brings together for the first time a multidisciplinary assessment of the law — with scholars, practitioners, lawyers, and social workers all offering perspectives on the value and importance of the Indian Child Welfare Act ...

  • Facing the Future: The Balkans to the Year 2010
    By Janusz Bugajski

    Facing the Future: The Balkans to the Year 2010

  • Facing the Future
    By Elaine Starner

    None of us can know what our lives will be even one hour from now.

  • Facing the Future: The Indian Child Welfare Act at 30
    By Matthew L. M. Fletcher, Wenona T. Singel, Kathryn E. Fort

    This collection brings together for the first time a multidisciplinary assessment of the law--with scholars, practitioners, lawyers, and social workers all offering perspectives on the value and importance of the Indian Child Welfare Act.