A cloth bag containing eight copies of the title, that may also include a folder.
King and O'Nan will cheer on their beloved team with the eternal hope that this just might be the year. If you don't have season ticket box seats right behind the firstbase dugout, you can't beat Faithful.
A chronicle of the Boston Red Sox's 2004 baseball season features a running diary of observations, arguments, play analyses, and controversial management decisions, as recorded by a pair of best-selling horror writers and diehard Red Sox ...
Sixteen-year-old Maggie Bennet's life is in tatters.
As they examine the stories of incredible women of the Bible, readers will find hope, encouragement, and a strong sense of community in this beautiful, eclectic collection of writing, photos, and lyrics that reflect God’s faithfulness.
I will take you for my wife in faithfulness; and you shall know the Lord.” This short book explores the goodness of sexuality as created and redeemed, and it suggests ways to navigate the difficulties of living in a world in which ...
With beautifully crafted prose, Alice Hoffman spins hope from heartbreak in this profoundly moving novel.
"Kim Cash Tate's enjoyable novel is true to both the realities of life and the hope found through faith in Jesus.
Come to Faithful, Colorado nestled in the Rocky Mountains where secrets linger.Hannah McConnell wants nothing to do with any Coughlins who stole her deceased father's dream of building a resort.
In this study of I and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, Warren Wiersbe encourages us to be dependable, to be patient and persevering, to be faithful to the Word, to our tasks, and to other people.
As you read this book, you will understand how Joseph's story is much like our own. In life, we encounter circumstances that we would never have chosen for ourselves. At times it can be tempting just to walk away.