Kasie Hunt goes on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt and says: Lester, tonight NBC News has learned that the Senate Judiciary Committee is probing an additional anonymous allegation of physical assault against Brett Kavanaugh – a charge ...
Fake News
The volume explores visual and data dissemination, business practices, international perspectives and case studies.
This book examines the real fake news: the constant flow of purposefully crafted, sensational, emotionally charged, misleading or totally fabricated information that mimics the form of mainstream news.
While popularized by President Donald Trump, the term "fake news" actually originated toward the end of the 19th century, in an era of rampant yellow journalism.
Text and photos look at the history, basic philosophies, and geography of fake news in the media. As they read, students will develop questions about the text, and use evidence from a variety of sources in order to form conclusions.
Fake News: Falsehood, fabrication and fantasy in journalism examines the causes and consequences of the ‘fake news’ phenomenon now sweeping the world’s media and political debates.
Drösser, Christoph, Total berechenbar?, Wenn Algorithmen für uns entscheiden, München 2016. Drösser, Christoph, Stimmt's / Stimmt's? Die n.t.-Ente, Eine Kolumne von Drösser, ZEIT ONLINE v. 18.12.2002 (DIE ZEIT 52/2002), verfügbar unter: ...
This book examines the real fake news: the constant flow of purposefully crafted, sensational, emotionally charged, misleading or totally fabricated information that mimics the form of mainstream news.
In this book, readers will learn about fake news: how it gets made, how it affects the public, how governments and special interest groups use fake news to push specific agendas, and how fake news, alongside social media, is re-shaping ...
This book examines the real fake news: the constant flow of purposefully crafted, sensational, emotionally charged, misleading or totally fabricated information that mimics the form of mainstream news.
Fake News is a high-stakes thrill ride that is timely and chilling. The first book in the Sam Flatt series, Unallocated Space, won thriller of the year and enjoys a 4.7-star rating across hundreds of reviews.
L'autrice: Enrica Perucchietti è una scrittrice e giornalista italiana.
Are you up for the challenge? Wacky headlines that make you wonder . . . is it fact or fake news.