Now in its second edition, this is an authoritative and practical guide which clearly explains the mediation process, taking the reader through each stage, explaining how to interact with other professionals, and providing invaluable advice ...
In M. McGoldrick , J. K. Pearce , & J. Giordano ( Eds . ) , Ethnicity and family ... Keefe , S. E. , Padilla , A. M. , & Carlos , L. M. ( 1979 ) . The Mexican - American extended family as an emotional support system .
In J. R. Johnston & L. E. G. Campbell (Eds.), Impasses of divorce: The dynamics and resolution of family conflict. New York: Free Press. Wallerstein, J. S. (1988b). Women after divorce: Preliminary report from a ten-year follow-up.
This edition includes a new chapter, 'Unrepresented Parties and Mediation', exploring the impact of the vast number of pro se litigants on the family mediation process.
Details the rapidly growing field of dispute resolution This nuts-and-bolts guide offers a blueprint for developing the skills you need to master the often complex and emotionally charged process...
It is an authoritative and practical guide which not only explains the principles and process of family mediation but also places it in the context of a changing family justice system and its interaction with other professionals and ...
This text is ideal for legal and mental health scholars involved with families in divorce and provides a clear understanding of the substantial research needs and opportunities in the field of mediation and their implications for social ...
Family Mediation: Cooperative Divorce Settlement
This book — the first comprehensive treatment of family mediation for Chinese families — provides the knowledge and skills to achieve that objectives.
Written by leaders in family mediation, this title provides a contemporary account of current practice developments and research concerning family mediation across a range of issues in the UK and Ireland.