The town's baker, however, went to the sheriff to say there must be some law against four'year'old boys wandering the streets unattended, leaving their clothes here and there. The sheriff only laughed. 'You mean Possy?' he said.
This National Book Award finalist is a dark, contemporary fairy tale in the vein of Neil Gaiman.
This National Book Award finalist is a dark, contemporary fairy tale in the vein of Neil Gaiman.
And, more importantly, so is everyone he needs. John Segal gives this universal story a warm and funny treatment full of hilarious details and a pig you won?t soon forget.
"When Jeremy Johnson Johnson's strange ability to speak to the ghost of Jacob Grimm draws the interest of his classmate, Ginger Boltinghouse, the two find themselves at the center of a series of disappearances in their hometown"--
Jeremy can hear voices.