This is another occasion when, in the wee small hours of the morning, before the guests leave, the tradition ofjoining hands and singing “Auld Lang Syne” must not be forgotten. Notes Preface 1. William Lyon Mackenzie, Sketches of Canada ...
Wex, Rhapsody in Schmaltz, 77–82. 5. Berg, “From Pushcart Peddlers,” 73. 6. The 2008 Agriprocessors scandal widely revealed that kosher slaughter could be inhumane. See Gross, Question of the Animal. See also Sussman, “Myth of the Trefa ...
For the controversy over the kosher certification of Jell-O, see Horowitz, Kosher USA, chapter 3. Steinberg, Jewish Mad Men, 64–65. Crisco Recipes, 80. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, “Kitchen Judaism,” 94. Crisco Recipes, 82.
Encompassing historical, ethnographic, and theoretical viewpoints, and including contributions dedicated to the religious dimensions of foods including garlic, Crisco, peanut oil, and wine, the volume advances the state of both Jewish ...
Through fasting, the body becomes a servant instead of a master.
Feasting and Fasting: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why
Long before the arrival of newcomers, the First Nations were celebrating the passages of life, the changing seasons, and the gifts of the Great Spirit with feasting.