Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
'Financial Accounting for Decision Makers' presents the key concepts of accounting without going into too much unnecessary technical detail. The book is aimed as 'users' of accounting information, not 'preparers' of accounts.
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
This book will assist the reader in understanding the principles of management accounting and to master the numerical aspects of the subject. Financial Accounting for Decision Makers Student Access Card, 5/e
'Financial Accounting for Decision Makers' presents the key concepts of accounting without going into too much unnecessary technical detail. The book is aimed as 'users' of accounting information, not 'preparers' of accounts.
With a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject, Financial Accounting for Decision Makers focuses on the ways in which financial statements and information can be used to improve the...
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers
Were you looking for the book with access to MyAccountingLab? This product is the book alone, and does NOT come with access to MyAccountingLab.
'Financial Accounting for Decision Makers' presents the key concepts of accounting without going into too much unnecessary technical detail. The book is aimed as 'users' of accounting information, not 'preparers' of accounts.
"This text provides a comprehensive introduction to financial accounting.