... 377 Claim on income, 377 Clark, M. W., 516n5 Classification criteria, leasing and, 454–455 Cleanup call, 555n15 Coase, Ronald H., 134n74 Code of Professional Conduct, 621–627 Cognitive biases, 121 Cohen Report, 623 Cole, Frederick, ...
Updated and revised, Accounting Theory helps readers build strong critical thinking skills and a sound theoretical background in order to evaluate accounting practice in today's increasingly global world economy. The...
Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text and Cases
This evidence implies that historical cost- based accounting income, which employs cost- allocation methods, has information content (see Chapter 4 for further discussion of this issue).
The new edition of this text has been updated and revised to provide students and professionals with the theoretical background they need to keep up with the convergence issues and succeed in today's increasingly global economy.
The new edition of this text has been updated and revised to provide students and professionals with the theoretical background they need to keep up with the convergence issues and succeed in today's increasingly global economy.
"Accounting education has experienced many dramatic changes over the life of this accounting theory text. The publication of the thirteenth edition represents over forty years in its evolution.