CD-ROM contains: Tutorial software -- General Ledger Applications Software (GLAS) -- Spreadsheet Applications Template Software (SPATS).
This text-specific technology resource (available free on the book's website) uses video clips, animated graphics, PowerPoints and Excel templates to demonstrate accounting concepts visually.
Financial Accounting: User's Approach
The text, paired with WileyPLUS, forms a strong teaching and learning package.
The ninth edition of Craig Deegan's Financial Accounting features: - the most recent changes to the IASB Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and the Australian Accounting Standards - a fully revised contents, a refreshed design and ...
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting, 9th Edition by Weygandt, Kimmel, Kieso provides students with a clear and comprehensive introduction to financial accounting that begins with the building blocks of the accounting cycle.
Financial Accounting
To fill this gap, the first edition of this book offered a compact introduction to financial statements according to German GAAP, and exercises on individual topics with solutions and case studies for in-depth and effective learning.
Financial Accounting: A Bridge to Decision Making
This 6th edition highlights ethical dilemmas and challenges students to think about what they would do when faced with these issues. In addition, updates on the impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act have been included.
Now in its fifth edition, the primary goal of this text remains the same-teaching students to understand the impact of accounting information on a company's financial statements. The authors illustrate...
This text is unique in reinforcing accounting process through the use of real company financial information that focuses your understanding on the fundamental concepts of accounting information.
The DSST (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) Subject Standardized Tests are comprehensive college and graduate level examinations given by the Armed Forces, colleges and graduate schools.
Financial Accounting: Questions and Answers
Financial Accounting: Objective Questions and Explanations
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts,methods and Use ;student Solutions Manual University of Minnesota
Financial Accounting: Student Solutions Manual
Solutions manual, written by the text authors, provides full solutions for all end-of-chapter assignment items, including questions, exercises, problems, and cases. Available in Print and on the Instructor's Resource CD.
This book will appeal to individuals interested in developing their knowledge in financial accounting, including students sitting the Edexcel London exams, entrepreneurs and managers.