Financial Accounting
With a firm understanding of the changing needs of students, FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING, 11E, leads students to accounting mastery using an integrated learning system.
Financial Accounting
This text is written for a one semester course in introductory accounting, generally titled "Financial Accounting," and is written for students who have no prior knowledge of accounting and accounting systems.
By organizing the text around the flow of information through a business, the authors provide students with a sound understanding of the accounting information system and then an analysis of the financial, investing and operating activities ...
The streamlined new design of the 6th edition provides a clear, concise, and directional learning path so students will easily navigate their way through the material and enhance their learning experience with clear connections to topics in ...
Financial Accounting: Principles and Issues, Canadian Edition, Michael H. Granof, Philip W. Bell, Robert C. Maher. Study Guide
Financial Accounting: Principles and Issues, Canadian Edition, Michael H. Granof, Philip W. Bell, Robert C. Maher. Solutions Manual
Financial Accounting: A Focus on Decision Making
Financial Accounting: Focus Ondecision Making Working Papers
Financial Accounting: Issues and Cases
Financial Accounting: Principles and Issues, Second Canadian Edition, Michael H. Granof, Philip W. Bell, Robert C. Maher. Study Guide
Financial Accounting
This book accommodates mini-courses lasting only a few days as well as extended courses lasting a full semester.Financial Accounting is real-world oriented and focuses on the most salient aspects of accounting.
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making
Similarly, this book is an attempt to extract and present the essence of an experience in financial accounting in the hope that it may be helpful to those called upon to deal with the problems of the future.
In empowering students to learn at their own pace, the book enhances course learning to maximise chances of overall success.