Quoted in Lisa Jones, “Howdy, Resort, Westerners Neighbor!Asa Last Start Talking to Each Other,” High Country News28(May13, 1996). 63.PatrickMoore, quoted in John Elvin,“AGreen Activist Changes Colors,” Insight on the News(Oct.14, ...
This guide for policymakers at all levels illuminates common ground between education reform and service learning and encourages the inclusion of service learning as a viable partner in education reform efforts.
This book resulted from Batchelor Institute's 40 Years Conference held in 2014. Order the book, or download the volume free:
The growing threat of "proliferation" technologies. World events make this volume indispensable to policymakers, government security agencies, technology exporters, and faculty and students of international affairs.
Tim Downs suggests practical ways for today's Christians to cultivate fruitful relationships in our communities, and bring our troubled culture the healing it needs so much.
This book is designed to show writers ways of maintaining a personal presence in their writing no matter what the subject, audience, or discourse. Whatever you write and however you...
If you want to gain insight or communicating the gospel effectively to contemporary culture, this is the first book you should read.
Finding. Common. Ground. by Charles C. Haynes T| he public schools of America have become battlefields in the culture wars that deeply divide our nation. Bitter clashes over such issues as religious holidays, equal access, ...
Far from serving as a motor for development of indigenous communities , the drive to find and produce minerals was a principal motive for invasion of indigenous ... FINDING COMMON GROUND İX Foreword, Luke Danielson, MMSD Project Director.
This ground breaking book, provides information on the various mental health disorder's, treatment options, violence risk assessment, gun violence, innovative verbal de-escalation skills, and situational awareness.
From this analysis, the extent to which Californians share a common ground for a dialogue about the state's future will emerge. To measure racial and ethnic differences in California politics and policy preferences, we combine the data ...
The main findings include the following. ... Increasing coordination and cooperation between Finding Common Ground: Consensus in Research Ethics across the Social Sciences Advances in Research Ethics and Integrity, Volume 1, ...
Helpful actions and words of encouragement from others may enhance the brain's ability to find a quick and effective ... Medic's or MDs are located at the front entrance of the treatment sites, and their job is to 9 Finding Common Ground.
An exploration of reasonable, cost-possible ways to develop the libraries of tomorrow, this book contains over 50 articles and covers such topics as: redefining the future of reference services; government...
Consensus in Research Ethics Across the Social Sciences Ron Iphofen ... areas of science: the medical and life sciences,6 natural sciences,7 engineering sciences,8 social sciences,9 and the humanities.10 On the basis of this inventory, ...
The book covers the broad themes that have marked current discussions and outlines the challenges and opportunities faced by South Africa's agricultural sector, including: The contentious and complex issue of land reform; The potential for ...
The first chapter of this enlightening book diagnoses contemporary problems of governance in natural resources policy and in the United States generally, then introduces community-based initiatives as responses to those problems.
The result? Marilyn found answers, hope, and people working to build bridges, meet needs, and heal wounds. More than that, Marilyn found our common ground.
A pragmatic guide to the legislative process, with proven techniques for legislating from the minority side of the aisle--and powerful insights on how collaboration makes for better lawmaking.
The book covers the broad themes that have marked current discussions and outlines the challenges and opportunities faced by South Africa’s agricultural sector, including: The contentious and complex issue of land reform; The potential ...