Robert R. Updegraff says that we need to learn to be thankful for troubles we experience on our job . He makes the point that if jobs were easy , anybody could do them . We earn our money because we have to deal with difficult people ...
This is the responsible and thoroughly United Methodist way of moving through disputes and reaching consensus. By Hope Morgan Ward, who serves the Raleigh Area.
While providing a fresh approach to ministry, the book stimulates how to think--not what to think. It's written by a local church practitioner for local church practitioners.
Finding Our Way
This book tells the story poignantly and succinctly the suffering of a young family caught in the throes of alcoholism.
Annotation The collection of practical, hard-hitting articles in Finding Our Way draws on renowned author and business speaker Margaret Wheatley's work around the world and applies the revolutionary ideas in her ground-breaking books ...
This book tells the story of how the education faculty in a small, Midwestern liberal arts college recovered from the loss of its NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) accreditation.
. . Finding Our Way challenges us to see the enterprises we lead in new light.” —Leader’s Beacon
THESE STORIES TAKE the reader to meet mochos; cholos; Mr. and Mrs.
While providing a fresh approach to ministry, the book stimulates how to think--not what to think.
The latest in the Practical Solutions series, this book, written by the mother of three children with autism spectrum disorders, targets, with a balance of heart-warming and belly-aching humor and practical tools, the major challenges ...
Finding Our Way is a well-written, clear introduction to a range of ecofeminist thought. In four essays, Biehl explores ecofeminism's intellectual affinities with social ecology and other schools of thought;...
'Finding Our Way' is a collection of articles written by Margaret Wheatley over the past several years to support the practices of people and leaders in many different types of organisations, communities, and cultures.
Many people today believe that ethnocultural politics in Canada are spiralling out of control, with ever more groups in society making ever greater demands. Finding Our Way offers a more...
"A well-written, clear introduction to a range of ecofeminist thought.